West Virginia Wing
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WV Wing Encampment 2024


The West Virginia Wing will conduct its 2024 Cadet Summer Encampment from June 15th – June 22nd at Camp Dawson, WV, located in Kingwood, WV.  

So what is Summer Encampment?
Summer Encampment is a weeklong activity designed to build a foundation for cadets to expand on their Civil Air Patrol experiences. This weeklong event provides an in-depth orientation to the Civil Air Patrol and the United States Air Force. First-time cadets can expect to be mentally and physically challenged during a busy and exciting week of hands-on leadership development training, aerospace events, and much more. Cadets returning as staff will be challenged even further with the leadership roles they will fill and the staff duties they will perform. All cadets will have the opportunity to be introduced to the military, learn to overcome challenges, develop time management skills, enhance their interpersonal skills, and have a great time!

Click this link to see a short video of one of our past encampments. 

If all goes well, our activities will include the following:

  • Rappelling tower
  • Leadership Reaction Course
  • Firing range
  • Land and water survival courses
  • Climbing wall
  • Confidence course
  • Black Hawk helicopter O-Rides
  • C-130 O-Rides
  • Other outstanding training activities

You can also visit WV Wing Civil Air Patrol Facebook page to see all the fun and exciting activities we do.

Cadets interested in attending as a student must have their application emailed to encampment@wvwg.cap.gov no later than April 12th.

Cadets interested in applying for a Cadet Cadre or a Cadet FAST staff position must have their application emailed to encampment@wvwg.cap.gov no later than March 15th. A selection panel will appoint the Cadet Cadre. Cadets applying for a Cadet Cadre or FAST position will be required to obtain a Letter of Recommendation from their Squadron Commander, submit a CAP resume with a cover letter, and possibly stand in front of the Encampment Cadet Staff selection panel. 


Senior members interested in applying for a staff position must have their applications emailed to encampment@wvwg.cap.gov by March 15th and will be expected to report to camp on June 14th. Senior applicants must comply with the requirements of CAPR 60-1.


All attendees must have a current membership card to attend the encampment and will report to the encampment with a proper haircut per CAPR 39-1. 

Senior Applications Deadline 15 March 2024
Cadet FAST Staff Deadline 15 March 2024
Cadre Applications Deadline 15 March 2024
Student Applications Deadline 12 April 2024 or when full
Encampment Dates 15 - 22 June 2024

How to apply
Pre-register using this form, then sign in to eServices and use the REGISTRATION ZONE to complete the registration. You must select the appropriate application package at the Registration Zone. All applications must be emailed to encampment@wvwg.cap.gov. The packing list is included with the Pre-Encampment Guide in the documents section.

Encampment tuition is $80 for WV cadets and $300 for out-of-wing cadets.

The following form, Encampment Application Status, is for you to view your application status and what if anything is missing from your application. Please understand that this form will only be updated once a day around 1700 local time.

I encourage all who wish to participate in this year’s encampment not to wait till the last minute to apply. Once application deadlines are reached, those windows will be closed!

See you at Encampment!!!!! Maj Sixto Velez, CAP WV Wing Encampment Commander



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